Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Family Crepe Party

Prior to my brother's deployment last week, the Lalliss family gathered for one of our traditional crepe parties. We had almost 40 people in attendance (too bad Eric, Monique, and her family were unable to attend). Here are a few pictures from our crazy party.

My dad usually does all the cooking (after all he was the one who learned how to make these delicious treats almost 45 years ago while on his mission in France).

Since we have so many in the family, we now have people tag team to keep up on the demand for all the crepes. Here's Rick taking his turn at the stove.

This picture is just a small sample of the crowd that was in attendance.

I'm sure Scott would have been smiling as big as me in this picture if he wasn't so busy stuffing his face.

Scott and Kenn were attacking their food like they were not going to ever have another meal (maybe Scott knows what kind of meals he will be having in Afghanistan and he is stockpiling his food).

I think Jake was on his 4th or 5th crepe by this time.

Luke could hardly wait for his crepe to cool down before he could snarf it down.

Here's Kenn and I being our usual dorky selves (I guess that is what almost 12 years of marriage does to you).

We tried to take a nice family picture of Scott, Kelly, and Addie, but Addie wasn't quite up for posing. I still think the picture turned out pretty well.

Okay, so this last picture wasn't from the party (it was a couple days later), but Molly, Luke and I were just so excited to have some nice spring weather to play outside that I thought I would share some of the fun we had.

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